Securing Tomorrow | Shergroup USA’s Pinnacle Approach to Elevating School Security Standards

In an age where prioritizing safety and security is non-negotiable, Shergroup USA emerges as the pre-eminent Security Guard Company dedicated to delivering top-tier School Security Guards for educational institutions. In this comprehensive exploration of the approach involved in recruiting and training security personnel, let’s delve into how Shergroup USA is not just setting but defining the standard for Security Guard companies in Orlando.

1. Setting the Bar with Rigorous Recruitment Standards |

At Shergroup USA’s, our commitment to excellence begins with our comprehensive recruitment, screening, and selection processes. These processes are designed to ensure that the Officers assigned to your property are not just capable and qualified but also possess the aptitude to excel in a demanding environment. Our stringent criteria include:

  • Age & Citizenship: Candidates must be 21 years of age and U.S. citizens.
  • Education: A minimum of a High School Diploma or equivalent is required.
  • Experience: Two (2) years of prior experience in security, military, or law enforcement is a prerequisite.
  • Fluency and Communication: Candidates must demonstrate clear and effective communication skills in English, with a preference for those fluent in multiple languages.
  • Fitness: Candidates must be in good general health without physical defects, capable of performing various physical duties.

2. Ensuring the Highest Standards through Pre-Employment Screening |

Shergroup USA upholds the highest standards of security personnel through a robust and proven pre-employment screening process. Our screening includes:

  • National Crime Information Center (NCIC) level background check
  • Social Security Number Verification
  • 5-Panel Drug Screening
  • Sex Offender Registry Check
  • Driving Record Check
  • State and County Criminal Record Check
  • Employment History, References, and Residence Check
  • Previous Employment & Military Service Verification

3. Prioritizing Mental Well-being with Psychological Screening |

In collaboration with a premier provider of psychological evaluations, Shergroup USA ensures that each candidate undergoes a thorough psychological screening. This includes an in-depth interview, questionnaires, standardized tests, and a concise report of findings with recommendations.

4. Tailored Suitability Assessments for School Security Guards |

Our suitability screenings go beyond standard evaluations. They assess a prospective hire’s personality factors relevant to their role in public safety, ensuring a strong fit for the demanding responsibilities of Security Guards in School.

5. School Safety Officer™ Branding |

Shergroup USA has developed the School Safety Officer™ brand. This unique identity focuses on de-escalation and creating a safe environment for school communities. Officers proudly wear distinctive patches on their uniforms, highlighting their specialized role in ensuring school safety.

6. Uniform and Appearance Standards |

Recognizing the impact of a crisp, professional-looking uniform, Shergroup USA’s training and inspection protocols consistently evaluate the quality, fit, and condition of each officer’s uniform.

7. School Safety Vehicles |

Security vehicles utilized under school contracts are all branded under the School Safety Officer™, presenting a soft visual approach to school safety.

8. Holistic Training Approach |

Our School Security Guards undergo thorough training, covering basic guard training, pre-assignment training, and on-the-job training. The curriculum encompasses observation, interpersonal communication, customer service, and report writing skills. Continuous sustainment and enhanced training ensure our officers meet evolving customer needs.

9. Advanced Reporting Through Officer Reports |

Shergroup USA’s maximizes technology through OfficerReports, an online portal providing a comprehensive management platform for security services. Clients can access aggregate reporting, including Daily Activity Reports, Incident Reports, Supervisor Inspection Logs, and Guard Tour Tracking.  From this platform, the Shergroup Operations Team have built a system of weekly metrics to measure Key Performance Indicators which are shared with managers and of course the client team.  Incident reports show the type of situations which can arise in the course of providing school safety.  Some of these incidents are minor in nature, but some are more significant and shine a light on how to prepare and prevent a more serious event coming into contact with students and teachers and the entire school community.  For some clients this will be the first time, data of this type has been made available to them as a school district.

Summing Up |

In the realm of recruiting School Security Guards, Shergroup USA stands as the forefront of driving forward standards.  Our genuine commitment to rigorous standards, specialized training, and cutting-edge technology is the cornerstone of a safe and secure environment for educational institutions.

Are you prepared to take your school’s security to the next level? Look no further – Shergroup USA is here for you! Explore our comprehensive security solutions tailored for educational institutions, ensuring a safe and secure environment for students and staff alike. Ready to make a proactive investment in safety? Visit our website for more details, give us a call at 833-743-7872, or drop us an email at [email protected]. Your peace of mind is just a click or call away!