Incident at Pool Area Promptly Addressed by Shergroup USA

In a recent occurrence that once again highlighted the vigilance and professionalism of Shergroup USA, patrolling had to be temporarily paused due to the presence of a suspicious individual in the pool area. The man was seen smoking and sleeping near the pool, with reports suggesting that he may have jumped the gate to gain access to the restricted area.

Upon confronting the individual, a Shergroup USA security officer calmly engaged him in conversation. The man, who identified himself as Carlos, claimed to be staying with a group on the second floor of the property but was unable to recall the specific room number. While verifying this information, Carlos expressed a desire to avoid any problems and offered to leave the premises voluntarily, stating he would wait for his girlfriend’s return.

True to his word, Carlos left the area peacefully, and the situation was resolved without further escalation. Patrolling resumed shortly after, with the incident noted and a picture of the individual uploaded for documentation.

Key Takeaways:

Proactive SecurityThe

swift response by Shergroup USA prevented the situation from escalating and ensured that safety protocols were followed.

De-escalation Techniques

The officer effectively handled the conversation with Carlos, maintaining a calm and professional demeanor while guiding him to voluntarily leave the premises.


By documenting the incident with a picture, the security officer ensured that proper records were kept for future reference, adding a layer of accountability and transparency.

    Shergroup USA’s ability to manage unexpected situations in a professional and non-confrontational manner continues to provide peace of mind for property managers and guests. For more information on our security services in Orlando, Florida, please contact us directly!