Timely Response to a Mental Health Emergency

At Shergroup USA, we prioritize the safety and well-being of all residents within our secured properties. Our officers are trained to respond promptly and effectively to various emergencies, including mental health crises. A recent incident involving a resident experiencing suicidal thoughts underscores the critical role our officers play in ensuring immediate and compassionate assistance.

Incident Overview

A distressing call was made by a resident from Building B, Unit 317, who reported having suicidal thoughts. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, law enforcement was notified, and Shergroup Officer was quick to respond.

Coordination with Law Enforcement

Shergroup Officer met with the police officers at the front of the site to understand the situation fully. He then escorted the police officers to Building B, Unit 317, where they made contact with the distressed resident. Shergroup Officer’s coordination ensured that the officers could provide the necessary support and intervention without delay.

Facilitation of Medical Assistance

Understanding the need for immediate medical attention, Officer Molina also facilitated the entry of the ambulance onto the property. He opened the entry gate to the courtyard, allowing the emergency medical team to reach the resident swiftly. The resident was treated on-site and then transported to a medical facility for further care.

Conclusion of the Incident

The ambulance left the property with the resident at approximately 1:31 AM, ensuring that the resident received the necessary medical attention. The officers from the Orlando Police Department (OPD) completed their on-site responsibilities and left the property at exactly 1:45 AM.


This incident highlights the importance of a prompt and coordinated response in handling mental health emergencies. Shergroup Officer’s quick thinking and effective collaboration with law enforcement and medical responders were crucial in providing timely assistance to the resident in crisis.

At Shergroup USA, we are committed to the safety and well-being of all residents. Our officers are trained to handle a wide range of emergencies with professionalism and empathy. For more information about our security services and how we can assist in safeguarding your property, please contact Shergroup USA today.